Nye County
A State Senator by the name of Bell discovered the Berlin mine in 1895. He sold out a couple years later to John Stokes. By 1897, the town of Berlin was laid out. Many other operations were taking place in the area at the time. Berlin was estimated to have reached a population of 250 to 300 by 1905. Berlin had a store, post office, auto shop, a boardinghouse and an assay office. A stage line also ran to several other camps in the area. Berlin had a newspaper called the "Berlin Courier". Berlin was the scene of a miner's union uprising. In 1907, a strike was called after a raise from $3.50 to $4.00 a day was denied. The miners thought that mine superintendent Bowen was the reason for their problems. They escorted Bowen out of town and told him not to come back. Bowen snuck back into town during the night, hitched the company team, drove to Tonopah and returned with the Sheriff. Superintendent Bowen’s fully preserved home still stands in Berlin. The strike caused an exodus until 1909. After that, a small revival occurred that lasted until 1914. The last attempt at mining was finished by 1947. It has been a ghost town ever since, with the exception of a Park Ranger.
Post Office: July 10, 1900 to December 18, 1918
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: April 2013. A maintained dirt road. However, it is way out in the middle of nowhere, so go prepared. Today, Berlin is a well- preserved Nevada State Park.