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Esmeralda County

AKA: Gold Mountain; Sigold; Divide Mining District

Note: Don't mistake this Gold Mountain for the Gold Mountain down towards Lida. I also collect mining stock certificates, so I've thrown a couple in here from the area.

Prospectors from Tonopah discovered gold veins here in 1901. By 1903, the camp then known as Sigold had gained attention. The camp had saloons, a store, a boardinghouse, etc. The problem for this area were the new booms at Goldfield and Bullfrog. After this, not much real work was done in the area until 1917 when a rich silver vein was discovered on Gold Mountain. By 1919, a new rush to the area had began. Mining companies began to heavily claim and organize the area. Many of the miners working here lived in Tonopah and commuted to the mines daily. The post office was opened under the name of Sigold. The camp also had a newspaper called the "Times". Most of the mines didn't produce. Only a couple were successful. By the end of 1919, the camp was already fading. The successful mine in the area was the Tonopah Divide Mine. Between 1910 and 1959, the Divide area mines produced 26,483 ounces of gold.

Post Office: August 8, 1919 to May 15, 2020 (at Sigold).

Last Trip/ Road Conditions: Many trips here. The last time that we really explored it was in 2015. The photos are also from 2015. When leaving Tonopah southbound towards Goldfield, you turn off to the left on what everyone calls Lieseke Loop. There are quite a few dirt roads out here. It's tough to give a road assessment, because there are many roads out here and they are not all alike. We've never had any issues with the ones that we've taken in a truck, but I can't speak for them all.

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