Minnimum's Station
Nye County
AKA: Bauman's; Referred to as Minium Station (Lander County) in 'Nevada Place Names' By: Carlson; Referred to as Minnium's (Nye County) in 'Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps' By: Paher.
Minnimum's operated as a stage stop on the Austin to Belmont Road. The stop first began operation in 1862. The stop was located on the ranch of a man named Minnimum. Carlson states that the stage stop ended in 1890. Hall states that A.E. Minnimum died in 1889. His wife then sold the ranch and left the area shortly after. These two dates would seem to mesh. During the 1880's and 1890's, prospectors who were working claims in the surrounding mountains, used Minnimum's as a place to live. The population here at one time may have been as high as 25 residents or more. By the early 1900's, Minnimum's was totally abandoned... The relics here are very interesting. At one time, it appears that a large brick building must have stood.
Post Office: None
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: I have been here many times. I lived in the Smoky Valley for a few years. The photos are likely a combination from several trips from 2014-forward. Minnimum's is located not too far from Hwy 376 on the northern end of the Big Smoky Valley, near the Nye/Lander line.