Silver Bow
Nye County
AKA: Stephanite; Wheaton
Initial discoveries were made in this area in 1904. In 1905, George Wingfield and George Nixon, who were business partners in many famous Nevada mining ventures, helped plat the townsite at Silver Bow. Wingfield would become one of the richest men in Nevada. He was also the owner of the famous Goldfield Hotel. George Nixon would be elected to the U.S Senate in 1905 as well. The town eventually reached a population of approximately 300 people. During this period of time, there were several other mining camps in the area. Silver Bow acted more as a supply hub for the district. All of the normal mining camp businesses came to Silver Bow. To include saloons, stores, restaurants, a post office and a newspaper called the Silver Bow Standard. It is said that the initial ore here was so rich, that the Standard printed their first edition with gold dust mixed in with the ink. A weekly stage line to Tonopah also ran out of Silver Bow. The camp had a problem with claim jumping. Sheriff's Deputies who were based out of Tonopah and had to travel back and forth to handle these disputes. Two very good friends named Edward Johnson and Hugh Fulton became engaged in a dispute over a claim. This led to a gun fight on the main street of town. Johnson killed Fulton and it was later ruled self- defense. By 1906, Silver Bow had an elected Mayor named Dan Fitzpatrick, an elected Constable and an elected Justice of the Peace. Like most other Nevada mining camps, by 1907, Silver Bow was on the decline. Most of the mines were tapped out and people were moving on. Silver Bow was down to a few dozen residents. By the end of 1908, Silver Bow was abandoned. A few revivals took place over the next 20 years. By 1930, Silver Bow was done for good.
NOTE: Silver Bow sits on the very edge of the Nevada Test Site/ Tonopah Test Range (I don't know if that's the proper name any longer). Crossing these boundaries may get you confronted by security forces. Be aware and be careful. Also, the death date on the gravestone of Fred Newton should read 1922, not 1822. I believe that this is the only known gravesite here.
Post Office: September 27, 1905 to November 30, 1907.