Apex Mine
Lander County
We weren't even looking for this mine when we found it. We were driving from Austin back to Birch Creek over the Toiyabes when we found it after dark. I haven't been able to locate any information on it. I guess I don't have the right books. I was able to find a write-up about it on a website called nvexpeditions. You should take a look at that website. It's really good. Here's the verbatim write-up from nvexpeditions:
"Uranium was discovered just north of Veatch Canyon by Joe and Rudy Rundberg in September 1953. They dug a 118-foot tunnel, and in August 1954 they began a 20-year lease of their Early Day Mine to the Apex Minerals Corporation. The mine only operated until 1968, however, and during this time produced 45 metric tons of ore, making it Nevada's largest producer of uranium. Additional drilling was done sometime in the 60s and 70s, but no mineable resources were found."
Source: nvexpeditions.com (website).