Arden Plaster Mines

Clark County
Arden was a stop on the Union Pacific Railroad in the early 1900's. A post office operated here from 1907 to 1909. During that period of time, Arden was still part of Lincoln County. From 1909 to 1919, gypsum was mined here by the Arden Plaster Company. In 1912, the mill was almost totally destroyed by fire. It was soon rebuilt and mining resumed. In 1919, the operation was sold to the United States Gypsum Company. They continued to mine gypsum here until the supply was depleted in 1931.
Years ago, if you drove from Pahrump to Las Vegas, Arden was way out in the middle of nowhere. Arden and Las Vegas were completely separated by many miles of open desert. In the past, you could drive right up to the edge of the mining area. From there, you could take easy or hard hikes to get to different parts of the mining area. Las Vegas has now built up right to the edge of the mines. I don't know the current status on accessibility to this area anymore.
Post Office: July 24, 1907 to March 5, 1909 (Lincoln County); March 5, 1909 to July 15, 1971 (Clark County)
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: I didn't log a specific date on my last trip there, but I think it was probably around 2013 or 2014. If planning to travel to see this area, I would ask around first to see if it is still accessible or open to the general public.
Sources: History of Nevada (By: Sam P. Davis); Mines of Clark County (By: William O. Vanderburg); Nevada Post Offices- An Illustrated History (By: James Gamett & Stanley W. Paher); Nevada Place Names- A Geographical Dictionary (By: Helen S. Carlson).