Austin Calvary Cemetery

Lander County
As a native Nevadan, one of the most interesting things about going to these old cemeteries is finding the 140 year-old gravestone of another native Nevadan. It's pretty rare that I come across these. It is also rare and interesting to find a gravestone that lists some obscure mining camp as the place of death 140 years ago. There are several gravestones with inscriptions for the place of death in this cemetery. These include Stillwater, Ione City, Reese River, Austin, Tonopah, etc. This cemetery has more of these inscriptions than any other cemetery that I've seen in Nevada, per capita. They are very proud Nevadans in Austin. This cemetery also has some very elaborate gravestones. Tall, ornate, beautiful. There are also a few fraternal gravestones. A couple of Odd Fellows, a Mason and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. There are also gravestones with inscriptions for Irish fraternal societies like the Irish American Benevolent Society and the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Cornelius Ryan (24) and Patrick Garragan (29) are buried here. Both men were natives of Ireland. On January 3, 1874, they were working in the Oregon shaft of the Manhattan Mine on Lander Hill. They were sinking the shaft down to 665 feet. 85 pounds of powder was being stored at the 500-foot level. For reasons unknown, the powder exploded and both men were killed. A man named John Broderick miraculously escaped. Ryan and Garragan are buried side by side in this cemetery. Both men were members of the Irish American Benevolent Society.