
Eureka County
Gold discoveries were first made here in late 1908, but limited work was done. Nevada mining baron George Wingfield bought their interests in April of 1909. Wingfield was named President of the newly formed Buckhorn Mines Company. By 1910, a small camp had formed at the site. By 1914, Buckhorn saw approximately 300 residents living at the camp. Businesses included saloons, stores, a daily stage to Blackburn, a livery stable, hotel and barber shop. That same year, Wingfield also built an electric power plant in Beowawe to provide power to a 300 or 400-ton cyanide plant, depending on which historian you reference. This plant also supplied electricity to the residents of Buckhorn. By late 1914, the veins were already declining. By early 1917, Buckhorn was through. Another revival occurred in the mid 1930's and another mill was built. This didn't last long. By 1937, Buckhorn was through for good.
Notice: I believe that we hit this spot in 2016 on a hunting trip. We ran into a locked gate. I don't know the status on whether it is still off-limits today. That's why there are only a few distance photographs below. If you are going to drive all the way to Buckhorn, you should check on the status of the locked gate first. That's a long way to drive to find yourself fenced out.
Post Office: February 18, 1910 to May 15, 1916.
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: 2016. It's a long drive on a dirt road. To the best of my memory, the dirt road was pretty good. I don't remember any spots where 4WD was ever considered.