Caledonia Mine

Storey County
According to the USGS, the Caledonia was first discovered in 1859. The first year of real production was 1871. Silver and gold were listed as primary commodities. USGS Report Quote: "Caledonia claim resulted from consolidation of seven claims in 1866- Ore was found and work continued until 1873. Continued exploration revealed scattered bodies of low-grade ore through the late 1890's. Some good ore ($91/ton) was found in 1902, but most production through the early 1900's was from relatively low-grade ore. Currently off south end of Houston Oil and Minerals open pit mining operation." The 1860's consolidation of these claims was done by the Caledonia Tunnel Company.
Caledonia Mine- Mining Deaths- (1863 through 1882):
James D. Cruse- February 18.
George Campbell- July 15.
David Monroe- May 12.
Isaac Bennett- March 11; Charles F. Germann- July 1.
Sources: USGS MRDS Reports- 10043908 Caledonia Mine; 10198263 Caledonia Mine; (Mining Deaths) Gold Hill Daily News (Newspaper); Carson Daily Appeal (Newspaper); Eureka Daily Sentinel (Newspaper); Lyon County Times (Newspaper); Pioche Weekly Record (Newspaper).