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Chase Mine

Lander County

The Chase mine was one of the early mines located in the Yankee Blade area. It is located in New York Canyon. According to the USGS, work first began at this mine in 1865. According to Hall, it had produced $22,000 in ore by 1866. In August of 1867, the Reese River Reveille claimed that new ore discovered here was of "wonderful richness". In August of 1868, the Reese River Reveille reported that Chase Mine superintendent E.S. Davis had purchased the hoisting works and building from the Hattie Mine in Yankee Blade. It was to be moved to the Chase Mine in an attempt to increase the depth. It was also called one of the more valuable mines in the district. In April of 1873 the Gold Hill Daily News reported that 30 tons of ore was removed from near the surface. This ore was valued near $500 per ton. They also claimed that much more of this valuable ore was in sight. By September of 1873, the Gold Hill Daily News reported that the Chase Mine had been "lying idle for some time past". They reported that the mine had been leased by Kling, Ford, Reynolds, Conley and Barrett. They also reported that work had recently resumed at the mine. The following is an excerpt from the Reese River Reveille, as reported by the Gold Hill Daily News on December 26, 1873: "Out of the Chase mine, New York Canyon. The boys have been greatly troubled by mountain rats. To Judge Ford, Junior, the Chinese cook, they have been a particular source of annoyance, and he has vowed by all the gods of the Flowery Kingdom to wreak a bitter vengeance on the first marauding rodent which should fall into his clutches. Last Saturday, the Judge was busily engaged in cutting meat for the morning's hash. When hearing a rustling noise he looked around, and seeing what he supposed to be a rat's head protruding through a crack in the floor, he seized a carving fork, and gliding stealthily up to the object, plunged it into his body. Giving a yell of triumph he withdrew the fork with the animal impaled on it... The boys hearing the Judges cries, rushed into the kitchen; but paused on the threshold, for they smelt a smell. About this time, the Chinaman smelt something too... He dropped the fork and broke from the room. The animal which he had impaled was one of the genus known scientifically as "Memphitis Americana"- vulgarly termed a skunk." In August of 1876, the boiler at the mine exploded. It was said to have demolished all the buildings at the site. It was also said to have blown a house completely over the mine. All employees escaped uninjured. Hall claimed that the Chase Mine was one of the mines that continued to produce into the 1880's. It was also part of an early 1900's revival. According to the Reese River Reveille, it was purchased by C.M. Sumner Investment and Security Company of Reno in 1908. Up to that point, it was said that the mine had produced $610,840 in ore. The mine was cleaned and retimbered. Miners went back to work in the upper level in July of 1908. They were expected to run a raise into a very rich vein of ore. The Reveille also claimed that the mine had been idle for "many years" prior to this new work commencing. The mine was also drained of previous water that had given it troubles in earlier years. They also expected to sink the mine another 100 feet. In 1911, the Maricopa Mines Company purchased several mines in the area, to include the Chase. This revival faded by 1914 and the area was abandoned. I am not sure if any further work has ever been conducted in the Chase.

Sources: Romancing Nevada's Past- Ghost Towns and Historic Sites of Eureka, Lander and White Pine Counties (By: Shawn Hall); USGS MRDS Reports- 10045204 Chase Mine; 10173529 Chase Tunnel; Reese River Reveille (Newspaper); Gold Hill Daily News (Newspaper); White Pine News (Newspaper); Territorial Enterprise (Newspaper); Eureka Sentinel (Newspaper).

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