Dardanelle's Mine

Storey County
I have read about the Comstock extensively. There are countless Comstock mines that are written about in great detail. Dardanelle's is NOT one of them. I took photographs of these buildings several years ago, but I was unable to identify them. I went to the old Comstock mining maps from the 1870's and 1880's. All of these maps showed it as Dardanelle's. I searched the name in USGS and found nothing. From there, I began searching the Comstock newspaper archives. I was pretty surprised by what I found. Dardanelle's was a very established mining company. I found a Gold Hill Daily News article from as early as October 1863 discussing the mine. They were probably there earlier, but the Comstock newspaper archives only go back to about the Fall of 1863. They continued to operate on the Comstock for almost two decades. Dardanelle's was listed in the newspaper stock reports along with a handful of other prominent mines. They had legal battles with the Overman and the California mines in the early 1870's. They were not taken off of the San Francisco Stock Exchange until 1881. Yet, there is literally nothing written about this mine in modern times. I didn't find any old newspaper articles showing that any mining deaths occurred here. I've attached several of the old newspaper articles. I did the best that I could with this one. For others who have also wondered about the identity of this place, I hope this helps. What you are seeing in the distance is the Comstock mining town of Gold Hill. The New York Mine is also seen in the background.
Sources: Gold Hill Daily News (Newspaper); White Pine News (Newspaper); Carson Daily Appeal (Newspaper); UNR- Affidavit & Map of Dardanelles Mining Company- Collection I.D. NC186; Map of the Comstock Lode and Washoe Mining Claims (By: T.D. Parkinson 1874); Map of the Comstock Lode and Washoe Mining Claims in Storey and Lyon Counties, Nevada (By: T.D. Parkinson 1875); Treadwell's New Map of the Comstock Mines, State of Nevada (By J.B. Treadwell 1876); W. Rose's Revised Chart of the Comstock Mines and Sutro Tunnel, State of Nevada (By: W. Rose 1878); Map of the Washoe District (By: Hoffman & Craven 1881);