Flower's Camp

Nye County
Flower's Camp was a large group of mines. They were worked by the Flower's family for several decades over the first half of the 20th century. The location of the camp sits between upper Meadow Canyon and Barcelona. The only thorough information that I have been able to find comes from old USGS Reports. This write-up will include a few details for some of the USGS published mines. The USGS Reports refer at different times to these mines as being in both the Barcelona Mining District and the Belmont Mining District.
Flower Quicksilver Mine: This mine was discovered in 1908 by "Mrs. Flower". Mercury was the primary commodity, with Antimony, Selenium and Barium-Barite being also being present. There are 11 different claims in the area. Alternate or previous names include Duane Group; Kernick Divide Mining Co.; Kernick-Duane; Flower-Kernick; Fiorite Group; Logan Bar; William Duane Mine; Bar Group; Spanish Belt Group; NBMG Sample Site; Flower Mine.
Flower Antimony Mine: Some of the same alternate names from the above quicksilver mine were listed. The mine is located approximately 1000 feet NE of "Warren's Cabins located in drainage of Anton Creek". Mercury, selenium and antimony were commodities of the mine. The owner was listed as Frank Warren in 1972. Workings consist of two adits 160 and 40 feet long.
Flower Mercury Placer Ground: Alternate names include Nevada Mint and Bar Claim Group; Ulla Claim Group. Mercury was listed as the primary commodity.
Fiorite Group: "Flower located the Fiorite Claim Group over what is best known as the Flower (Mercury) Mine... Produced about 50 flasks of mercury."
Flower Ilmenite Group: "Mr. W.A. Flower located the magnetite nos. 1-48 claims in 1944..."
Sources: USGS MRDS Reports- 10040507 Flower Quicksilver Mine; 10111439 Flower Antimony Mine; 10271384 Flower Antimony Mine; 10256420 Flower Mercury Placer Ground; 10174191 Fiorite Group; 10125628 Flower's Ilmenite Claims.