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Gold Hill Masonic/ IOOF Cemetery

Storey County

There's something about Gold Hill for me. Me and my wife have spent every wedding anniversary on the Comstock for many years. I go to this cemetery every time we're there. The fraternal gravestones are outstanding. This cemetery contains a lot of early Nevada history. Many men are buried in this ground, who died in the mines building Nevada. Also buried here is Humphrey Symons. He was a Gold Hill policeman. He was shot to death on the divide in 1879, doing his job protecting others. REST IN PEACE SIR! If I had to guess, I would say that less than a quarter of the original gravestones still exist. Many are knocked over. There are several that are in pieces, or only have a small piece of it left. Please help preserve places like this. If these gravestones keep getting trampled and vandalized, this place will be nothing but a fence one day. And that is a horrible thought.

Silver Star Masonic Lodge #5 in Gold Hill: Originally called Silver Star Lodge #165. It first operated under California authority prior to statehood. After statehood, it was a given a charter under Nevada authority and was one of the original ten Masonic lodges in the state. An appendant body of Masonry known as the York Rite also operated at Gold Hill. In November of 1876, Gold Hill Chapter #8 of Royal Arch Masons was granted dispensation. The original lodge building here is long gone.

Wildey Odd Fellows Lodge #1 in Gold Hill: This was the first Odd Fellows Lodge in Nevada, and it was opened at Gold Hill. The date of organization dates back to April of 1862. A portion of the original building still exists in Gold Hill. It sits next door to the Gold Hill Hotel. There is a historical plaque attached.

These photos are a mix from many trips over the last several years.

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