Goodsprings District- Pilgrim Mine
Clark County
AKA: Yellow Pine District
I've seen one online source who states that a man named A.G. Campbell made a claim here in 1892. I haven't been able to confirm that through any substantial sources. I'll continue to research it though. According to the USGS, which doesn't list an original year of discovery, the first year of production was in 1908. One USGS report states that the primary commodities mined here were lead and zinc with lead being more prominent. The same USGS reports that secondary commodities mined here were copper, silver and gold. A different USGS report lists only zinc as the primary commodity, and lists lead only as a secondary. The owner was listed as the Pilgrim Mining Company in 1922.
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: My last trip here was in 2015. I do not remember any serious problems with the road leading to this mine. The Pilgrim is an interesting mine in the sense that it was dug into the flat valley floor instead of a hillside or vertical wall of some kind.