
Nye County
AKA: While these names may not have been other official names for Hannapah, they are names of camps that were very closely associated with the Hannapah area. Silverzone, Silver Glance, Volcano, Bannock, Sylvanite.
Silver ore was first discovered in the area by the Graham brothers in 1902. For the next couple years, only limited activity took place in the area. The Hannapah Mining Company eventually developed the Hannapah mine. By 1905, a small camp had formed. In 1906, parties interested in and promoting both Hannapah and nearby Silver Glance, held a massive barbecue in an attempt to attract new interest. The barbecue was not very successful in reference to bringing new people to the area. By 1907, after very limited mining success, the area was abandoned. In July of the same year, a fire destroyed much of the remaining mining equipment and workings. Later revivals occurred in the Hannapah area. There were two new and competing discoveries that occurred in 1913. Two small, rival camps were formed. They were named Volcano and Sylvanite. New excitement and interest hit the area in 1915 with very high- grade ore being discovered. None of these discoveries lasted long term and the revival was dead by 1917. The last revival in the area occurred in 1955. By 1964, Hannapah and all of its sister camps had been abandoned and have been ever since.
Post Office: None
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: July 2016. It was the standard Nevada desert dirt road. Nothing great, but nothing that I needed four- wheel drive for. As I always disclaim though, backroads change all the time.