
Lander County
AKA: Bullion; Campbell District
Discoveries were made in the Bullion District in approximately 1873. This didn't last long. Mining activity in the area was done by the end of 1874. A revival occurred in 1880 or shortly after. By 1883, approximately 50 miners came back to the Lander camp, with a total camp population of approximately 100 residents. A new mill with 5 stamps and a furnace were built by the end of the summer. By 1885, the district was on the decline. Unlike so many other Nevada mining camps, Lander wasn't completely abandoned. A school was built in 1889 and taught students until 1898. The district had another revival in 1906. A saloon and boardinghouse were established, along with a post office. A rival camp called Bullion also established itself about a 1/2 mile to the east. Bullion had approximately 25 residents but folded a short time later. 1907 was a good year for the district. Lander reached a population of approximately 75 residents. By 1909 the revival was over. Minor activity took place in the immediate area of Lander until 1921. Lander has been abandoned ever since.
Post Office: October 15, 1906 to October 15, 1909.
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: Several times between September 2016 and August 2022. The dirt road through here was pretty good. Nothing that required four-wheel drive. I believe that we even passed a guy in a sedan in 2022. Things can change though.