Lone Mountain Fraternal Burials

Carson City
Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.): Carson Lodge No. 4 was first established in Carson City on April 25, 1862. Three other Odd Fellows Lodges had previously established in Nevada. They were Wildey Lodge No. 1 in Gold Hill, Silver Star Lodge No. 2 in Silver City and Mount Davidson Lodge No. 3 in Virginia City. As of recently, the Carson Odd Fellows were still meeting.
Knights of Pythias (K of P): The first Knights of Pythias Lodge established in Nevada was Nevada Lodge No. 1 in Virginia City on March 23, 1873. The Grand Lodge of Nevada was established in Carson City on March 31, 1874.
Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.): Carson City Aerie No. 1006 was instituted at Carson City on March 5th, 1905.
I am not aware of the existence or histories of other lodges in Carson City. To include but not limited to, the Ancient Order of United Workmen (A.O.U.W.) and the Woodmen of the World.