Ruby Valley Pony Express Station
White Pine County
The first photo that you see was taken in 1944. It shows the station in its original location. It was later moved to the Northeastern Nevada Museum in Elko. I have been past the original site of the station on many occasions. It was located in the southern end of the Ruby Valley (White Pine County). It's not too far from where we cut firewood. I've photographed the immediate legs of the route to the station, coming from the west. This leg starts where the north end of the Newark Valley meets the Huntington Valley. The route travels over Overland Pass in the Ruby Mountains. The route drops down the eastern side of the Ruby Mountains into the Ruby Valley. This is where the station was originally located. At least a portion of this route was also part of the Hastings Cutoff (emigrant) route, which was traveled a decade prior to the formation of the Pony Express.
Historical description coming.