Stoke's Castle

Lander County
The castle was built by Anson Stokes between 1896 and 1897. Stokes came from a prominent eastern family. He was an Austin resident and a substantial mine developer in Nevada. The castle was built as a getaway mainly for his son J.G. Phelps Stokes. J.G. would later hold interests in other Nevada mining communities such as Berlin and Downeyville. The castle was originally thought to be used to spy on thieves who were high grading from the Stokes Mine. After 1897, it is believed that it sat unused. The castle was built with native stone from the area. Each of the three floors originally had a fireplace, plate glass windows, a balcony and was lavishly furnished.
The ore chute seen in the photographs sits just below Stokes Castle at the Stokes Mine.
Last Trip/ Road Conditions: 2015. There is a pretty good dirt road on the west side of Austin that leads to this area. It would probably get worse with snow.