My first book has now been published through legendary Nevada historian Alan Patera at Western Places. The book provides the history of some of the earliest mining activity south of Austin. The Union Mining District was founded by June of 1863 and quickly included the camps of Ione, Grantsville, Union and Milton. By early 1864, the county of Nye was founded and named for Territorial Governor Nye. Other camps included in the book are Shamrock, Knickerbocker, Centrasville, Berlin and Nevada Cinnabar. This book, as well as many other fantastic western history books are available at Western Places Home – WesternPlaces.
My book on the Union Mining District is more specifically available here.
Union Mining District, Nevada by Trevor Meade (Western Places Volume 1 – WesternPlaces

Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining History
Carson City
Churchill County
Clark County
Douglas County
Elko County
Esmeralda County
Eureka County
Humboldt County
Lander County
Lincoln County
Lyon County
Mineral County
Nye County- Southern
Nye County- Northwestern
Nye County- North Central
Nye County- Northeastern
Pershing County
Storey County
Washoe County
White Pine County
Current updates are available on Facebook at Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining History | Facebook
Many people who aren't from Nevada see the whole state as something that it isn't. Huge casinos, urban sprawl, busy freeways and 115-degree summer days. That is a correct view of only the very southern tip and doesn't represent the vast majority of the state. Pioneer mining camps in the remote and beautiful wilderness, 12,000-foot mountain peaks, trout streams, massive cattle ranches, etc. Many non-Nevadans don't realize that gambling doesn't dominate rural Nevada. Mining and ranching do. Wide open country full of trophy elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep and antelope. They don't know that most of the state gets snow in the winter. They don't know that the term "Buckaroo" originated in Northern Nevada and the Great Basin. My friends and I have debated on whether the false impression of Nevada is a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes we feel snubbed when others have the wrong impression of our state. Sometimes we justify it by telling ourselves that if others don't know what Nevada really is, they won't clog our backcountry or hunt our trophy game. I've personally wrestled with it back and forth. In the end, my extreme Battle Born pride won out. I decided to represent the real Nevada here. A few of my friends don't like that idea. Keep Nevada a secret they say... Others love the idea. Show everybody what Nevada is really about... Regardless of which way you lean on the subject, we hope that you like the website. BATTLE BORN